Friday, November 30, 2018

Too long and not to efficient enough for this fast pace generation

         The national government could have a better system when it comes to electing the judicial court and building roads. I believe that the process of electing the judicial court is time consuming. I also believe that the road building system could be better because instead of building more roads we should be building a better transportation for the nation.
            When it comes to the national government choosing the judicial court it’s a time consuming. One it only happens but someone one the court dies or retires. I think this is a bit much. I think we should do two things, one we should have two different judicial courts, one for the younger generation to be reelected every 3 years so they can get some experience. Second, we keep the traditional judicial court and keep all the same regulations when electing, in addition they can stay as long as they want. I think the new on would help show who the people are that are elected and how they would act during their first three years in the new judicial court. The national government could do this to show that they have chosen wisely or not, it would basically be like a trail run for the judicial court in the three years.
            The national government spends a lot of money on building roads in the nation, but I think instead of building more roads they could come up with a better national transportation. Today we see roads that have been built 5 years ago being worked on again because they have been destroyed by cars and semi-trucks.  I think the national government could create a better national train. I believe this would help the national government in many ways such as, not spending so much money on the same after a few years, creating more jobs, easier to travel for all and to stop traffic nationwide. If foreign countries can have a successful train system to country to country, why can’t the nation? The national government could easily create this system they just need to try to steer away from roads and start building more trains for the nation. I believe they could start a campaign to create knowledge for the nation to get amped on the new system and I think a lot of Americans would agree, I know I would! 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Less talk more action!

            The national government does not put in as much effort as it could to provide free healthcare in American. The healthcare in American is not what is should be compared to other countries, even with the new healthcare system it’s still not free, and there is no foreseen action from the national government to make an effort to get all American citizens free healthcare.
            Compared to other countries in the world the national government continues to spend more money on the healthcare system in America per capita, and it can not provide a healthcare system free for all citizens. If other countries like Switzerland and Singapore can efficiently create free healthcare system, why can’t our national government do the same. The national government should come up with ways to not only provide free healthcare but be more efficient in providing healthcare as well. With all other economic problems in America the one thing that could help keep American’s minds at ease is knowing they can get medical care when needed without worrying that they can’t afford it.       
            The national government puts a lot of effort to towards different issues in America and the last time the national government put effort into the healthcare system was back in 2012. The Obamacare was a huge step for Americans, but it still wasn’t free and continues to increase per person and child annually. The national government should put in more effort in making a free health care for all its top priority for years to come.
             A free healthcare system is not one of the top priorities for the national government. There has not been any signs or national talk about making any big efforts for future years. This can be a problem with more Americans needing more healthcare than ever to provide simple needs such as vaccinations or birth control for young women. With the population growing each year the demand for free healthcare increase. If the national government wants to do put in all the effort, they care for providing Americans with free healthcare, Americans need to see more actions taking place.